Plan for the unexpected. Get your affairs in order now so you can sleep easy.


    Design a fully customizable Dead Man Switch to meet your needs, and trigger according to your preferences. We only design custom plans for customers who are looking for quality and customer service.


    Customized plans start at $1000/year and go up from there.


    broken image

    Book your consult.

    $100 (60 min)


    Cost will be applied to your plan.

  • Triggers and Executions

    All of our packages are custom designed, but here are some ideas you might want to consider.

    broken image

    Trigger Options

    • Email
    • SMS
    • Social Media
    • Phone
    • Next of Kin
    • Custom App
    • And whatever else you can dream up
    broken image

    Execution Options

    • Send Notifications
    • Transfer Documents
    • Blockchain Smart Contracts
    • Whatever else you need